Adel Dental Group Ribbon Cutting & Open House June 19th

Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce InviteAdel Partners Chamber of Commerce:

Please join the Chamber in welcoming Adel Dental Group to Adel.

You are invited to a ribbon cutting ceremony Thursday, June 19th at 4:30 pm.

Following the ribbon cutting there will be an open house.

We hope to see you there!

Adel Dental Group
Dr. L. Eric Anderson, DDS
Dr. Lona Kouri, DDS
Dr. Ames Cross, DDS
216 Nile Kinnick Dr S
Adel, IA 50003
Phone: 515-993-4333

Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 73, 301 S.
10th Street, 2nd Floor
Adel, IA 50003
Email: chamber@AdelPartners.Org
Facebook: AdelPartnersChamberOfCommerce