Third Annual Adel Fireman’s Dance April 5th 2025

Adel Fire Department PatchAdel Volunteer Fire & Rescue is happy to announce we will host our Third Annual Fireman’s Dance on April 5th, 2025, at Country Lane Lodge! – Event Venue!

This Dance will be a fundraiser to purchase needed equipment for our department. 

We are excited to announce that the band Suëde will provide entertainment at our event!

The Famed DM Bacon Company will cater dinner!

There will be a silent auction with many great items to bid on for everyone.

Please come out for a great night of food, drinks, dancing, and to help support your local Adel Fire & Rescue!

For tickets, please reach out to any of the volunteer members of the fire department or reach out to us on our Facebook page.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the event!

Where: Country Lane Lodge, 29300 Prospect Cir, Adel, IA 50003

Tickets $40
Doors Open at 5:00 pm
Dinner Served at 6:00 pm
DJ will entertain from 7:30 to 11:00

Adel Volunteer Fire & Rescue
102 S. 10th St | Adel, Iowa 50003
Phone: (515) 993-6723
Facebook: AFD25