Terry’s Thoughts on Fame
The other day I realized what my vast fame had made with of me. There was the money, in all its colors and currencies.
The notoriety as the one and only Terry Traveler. And the ability to name drop clumsily those with whom I’ve shared conversations and because I am vastly famous, it is social acceptable to do so.
Shout out to my man, Bob Vila!
But it had also brought the endless groupies, paparazzi, and frustrating hours spent convincing gas station clerks to accept foreign currencies.
Travel journalist fame can really open some doors but in the end, all I’ve ever wanted was a place to call home.
I am happy to be here in Adel- this quiet place where I can walk amongst you without being taunted for autographs or those selfie pictures. I know you want desperately to ask and yet you have the decency to let me be. Here, I live among you in harmony.
Let me tell you that is an honorable trait, shared by the community, that makes me love it so. That is that Adel charm we hear so much about. So thank you Adel, for letting me just be me.
This is Terry Traveler saying: think of me as Sasquawatch; you can brag that you saw me buying milk and you can swear it was 2%, but your friends won’t believe a word of it.
Terry Traveller
Email: terry@discoveradel.com
Facebook: DiscoverAdel.TerryTraveller