Terry Traveler – “Remembers” the Last 10 Years
My, my, dear readers. Can you believe its been 10 years? A full decade of reporting my travels for DiscoverAdel.com. Wow.
If you’d asked me 10 years ago, “Terry? Where will you be in 10 years?”
I think I would have said, “I’ll be drinking coffee. Why, do you want to pick up some donuts?”
To which I say today, “Hey! You’re late and I can’t believe you forgot the donuts.”
Never would I ever have guessed I would be celebrating such a landmark occasion with my good friends of Adel.
It’s been sweet, these past 10 years. I still have my Waponi Woo orange soda koozie, a ticket stub from Cairo, and 6 jars of unknown coins. I was an amazing cheese roller and I have the sash to prove it. I was both honored by, and later banned from, Scotland for my Bagpipe Concerto #4 and #7, respectively. I now know what its like to stand in the forest with yuppies, and will forever know the terrifying smell of their Birkenstocks.
Remember, that guy with the orange parrot that matched his orange car? That was funny. And that time I was supposed to cover New Year’s Eve in New York but I spent the travel expenses on an original photocopy of the Gremlin 2 movie script signed by Steve McQueen? Good times.
And now, 10 years later, you ask me, Well I just don’t know, friend. But I can say this: where there is a story to tell, you’ll find me. When something odd is happening, I’ll be there. When readers cry out for sanity, honor, and accountability,
I’ll point them in the other direction. For I may not know where this world will take me, and I may not care, but my heart will always be in Adel. Unless its somewhere else. Like Tahiti. Or stored in one of those creepy scientist jars. Or eaten by a lion on the safari. All fine options, mind you, but Adel is my second favorite. I just love a good safari.
This is Terry Traveler saying, it may not be true, but its always true and that’s the scary part.
Terry Traveller
Email: terry@discoveradel.com
Facebook: DiscoverAdel.TerryTraveller