Current Events
Keep up with the Latest Activities, Events, and Special Promotions
Local Artist Showcases Work
While in town visiting the Adel Sweet Corn Festival Saturday August 14th, stop by 1306 Court Street.
A local Adel artist will be demonstrating his skills and selling original Fantasy and Sci-Fi paintings.
Pick up one of a kind, original artwork for your home, office, and more!
ADM Tiger Home Games
Get out your facepaint and come out in support of our ADM Tigers Friday, September 10th!
The games start at 4:45pm with Freshman Football vs. Knoxville at the ADM football stadium.
At 6:15pm, watch the great ADM Marching Band as they pump up the home team crowd!
Then watch Varsity football vs. Knoxville at
Secretary of Agriculture visits Stine
Courtesy of Stine Seed Company
Stine Seed Company was pleased to welcome Iowa’s Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey to the Adel seed farm on Tuesday, June 29.
Secretary Northey toured soybean test plots, corn test plots, the research lab and the equipment and
[…] Continue Reading…Dallas County Court House – Bell Tower View
We got a chance to go up in the Dallas County Court House and take pictures of the street repairs toady. As often happens, we got so many photos of the clock tower that it warranted it’s own page and gallery.
Become Terry’s friend and Win!
Our reporter Terry Traveller has joined Facebook! Add Terry to your list of friends and enter to win tickets to events at the Dallas County Fair, July 7-11th.
Don’t forget to join the Fanpage and Help the World Discover Adel
Brick Street Project Informational Meeting
Public informational meetings will continue throughout the Brick Street project.
Meetings to include Q&A period.
All meetings will be held at 6:00pm at City Hall.
Chad A. Bird
City Administrator
City of Adel
John D. Gomke Charity Supports ADM Schools
Courtesy of the John D. Gomke Charity
The John D. Gomke Charity will be holding it’s first Annual Charity Golf Tournament June 19th at the River Valley Golf Course in Adel.
The charity announced Wednesday that funds raised at the tournament will purchase AED or Defibulators for the two ADM schools that do not have them.
Spots are still available for
This Just In: Updates on the Brick Street Repairs
The Brick Street Repair Project is underway. Check back daily for updates, street closings, and photos!
June 11th, 2010
Skid loader are being used to bring the bricks up and then the crew cleans and stacks them on pallets. […] Continue Reading…
DMACC Event Stresses Adel Impact
Tuesday, June 8th at the Penoach Winery introduced the new DMACC Academy to Adel.
The new facility is a welcomed edition to the school districts in the area. Adel and Perry’s current initiatives allows high school students to acquire college credits, which can help cut educational costs for parents down the line.
The facility hopes to foster a strong sense of community, helping to improve the future of our students and better educate the workforce.
Adel Ground Breaking Ceremony – Updated With Gallery
There will be a ground breaking ceremony to kick-off the 2010 Brick Street Rehabilitation project Wednesday, June 9th at 5pm.
The ceremony will take place at the intersection of 9th Street and Main Street, on the corner of the Courthouse Square.
Brick Street Project: Meet the Contractors
Join us Wednesday, June 9th at 6pm to meet the project manager from Manatt’s, Inc. at Adel City Hall.
The meeting will include discussion of the overall approach of the project, scheduling, and phasing.
There will also be a Question and Answer session.
DMACC Celebration at Penoach Winery
Look Where We Started, See How Far We’ve Come! Reception
Come out to Penoach Winery June 8 from 6pm- 8pm and celebrate the Perry DMACC facility set to open summer 2011. The reception will be catered by Italian Villages of Adel.
ADM Alumni Launch New Site
The ADM Alumni Association launched a new website,, to help keep alumni informed about upcoming news and events.
The website hopes to promote special projects, preserve school district archives, and instill a sense of community among ADM Tigers.
The Adel DeSoto Minburn Alumni Association was formed in 1997 after a conversation between a few people questioning how to keep alumni updated.
Brick Street Repair Meeting
Courtesy of Chad Bird, City Administrator
Just a reminder that we will plan to meet Thursday, May 27th at 6:00pm to continue discussions on the 2010 Brick Street Project at the City Hall Council Chambers.
There is exciting news to share and more information as construction time draws closer.
Construction bids came in approximately 15 – 20% under the Engineer’s Opinion of Costs, which is a good thing. On Monday the City Council accepted the low bid submitted by Manatts and also accepted both Alternates bids to round out the project.
100 Year History in the Making
The first Brick Street Project in over 100 years was officially started with the approval of bids at Monday nights council meeting.
The brick streets are one of the defining characteristics of the community and are on the National Registry of Historic Places.
After 20 years of discussions, public meetings and planning, the work is slated to begin in the first week of June and should be completed by late September to early October.
The historic bricks will be removed and cleaned by hand, stacked on pallets, and taken off site while the road base is repaired. The bricks will then be re-layed, preserving one of Adel’s most important assets.
Important Dates for Brick Street Repair Project
June is just around the corner with the Brick Street Repair project in sight.
Keep these dates in mind to keep informed about this important community project!
May 21, 2010- 10:00am at City Hall
City will receive and open contractor bidding for the Brick Street projects.
May 24, 2010
Bids will be presented to the City Council, deliver bids to contractors.
Adel Wins Urban Forestry Awards
Adel, Iowa was recognized by the nonprofit Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree City USA community for its commitment to urban forestry.
It is the 16th year Adel has earned this national recognition.
Adel also received a Tree City USA Growth Award for demonstrating progress in its community forestry program.
The prestigious Growth Award honors environmental improvement and higher levels of tree care in Tree City USA communities.
CPR Training Supports John’s Charity
The John D. Gomke Charity has partnered with the City of West Des Moines EMS Association to provide free child & infant CPR & 1st Aid training.
These training sessions will take free will donations to support the charity.
The first child & infant CPR class will be held May 15.
Brick Street Meeting
Thursday, April 28th, the City will hold another Brick Street Communication meeting.
The meeting will be held at 6:00pm at the City Hall Council Chambers.