ISU Ext Makes Weather Education a Priority in Dallas County

Courtesy of the Dallas Co Extension OfficeISU-Ext-NOOA

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Dallas County is the first county office in the state of Iowa to be certified as a StormReady Supporter with the National Weather Service (NWS).

As a StormReady supporter, the extension office will remain actively engaged in weather safety and preparedness including local emergency management.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has also recognized Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Dallas County as part of their Weather Ready Nation Ambassador program.

The extension office will help build a Weather-Ready Nation by, “serving as an example and engaging their stakeholders to make our community ready, responsive and resilient,” to the devastating impacts of extreme weather events.  


They partnered with the Central Iowa National Weather Service for their annual open house on September 16. Dallas County’s Sugar Grove Sunshine 4-H Club shared make and take weather-based STEM projects to hundreds of community members. Some projects included: a homemade barometer, sunscreen bracelets, water bottle tornados and more.

All of these roles will help the communities, partners, and schools of Dallas County to become more educated, StormReady and severe weather prepared.

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Dallas County has been a strong part of the community for almost 100 years and continues to help to provide education, families programs, youth development, and safety to the Dallas County community. These valued partnerships will continue to achieve so many of those goals.    

Dallas County ISU Extension Office
28059 Fairground Road
Adel, Iowa 50003
Phone: (515) 993-4281
Fax: (515) 993-1027
Facebook: ISUExtensionDallasCounty