Cheryl Semerad – Adel Public Library Foundation
The Adel Public Library Foundation (APLF) is the 501c3 nonprofit fund raising arm of the Adel Public Library. For more than a decade, the organization has been seeking out donations to build the new library.
With the third phase now complete, we spoke with APLF President, Cheryl Semerad about the impressive volunteer efforts and giving nature of the community.
- Cheryl Semerad
Where once visitors found an overgrown, oddly shaped lot now stands the beautiful Adel Public Library.
Modern, yet true to Adel’s brick heritage, the new library easily shadows memories of the former building.
But it was there, in the repurposed church, that Library Director Paula James innocently asked Cheryl Semerad to attend “just one meeting” about the future, with the promise that she “wouldn’t have to do anything but listen”. By the end of the meeting the former Director of Sales and Marketing at WHO-TV became the lead organizer of the capital fundraising campaign.
Her task: raise $550,000. Instead she and the APLF’s “incredible volunteer army” rose close to 3/4’s of a million dollars.
The first step was to establish the 501c3 nonprofit standing. This enabled the group to seek out grants- such as the coveted $60,000 Carver grant which was awarded to the library early on. With the new nonprofit arm in place, people were able to donate art, money, bricks and more directly to the library while allowing the donations to be tax deductible.
Funds raised by the APLF are used for brick and mortar needs, as well as furniture, signage, and the aesthetic needs of the library, never operational expenses, which are handled by the City and Library Board of Trustees.
The foundation in place, the next step was to secure a bond, which required the community to vote yes. In a true grass roots effort, the library identified its voters and diligently called on them to support the bond referendum.
“We knew we had to sell the idea. We went to every civic group in town: church groups, women’s clubs, and neighbors.
We sold the idea that Adel needed the library. And we were mostly met with support. It was hard for some people to visualize; the lot was empty and full of weeds.
It became very obvious that there was a ground swell of people who wanted to help get this done!”
The referendum was passed with 72% of the vote. For the next 10 years the Adel Public Library Foundation held fundraising events such as Joseph’s Just Desserts, a black tie event playing against the community theater product of Joseph’s Technicolor Dream Coat. Donations began to roll in from across the community, with wide spread support that included a visit from then first lady Christie Vilsack. After endless hours, presentations, and door knocking, the impressive $550,000 was raised and the building began.
Initially, the first phase of the building was to complete just the first floor, while gradually completing the top floor as the library’s need for the space became apparent.
“We really thought it would take a long time, but the money came in quickly and we kept it safe and growing so that when prices started to fall on construction, the Board of Trustees took the lead and we were ready to move with them.
People had given us money over the years and we wanted it to go into the building, not just sit in a bank account. But we really didn’t want to expand beyond our need.”
Keeping a close eye on construction costs, and taking advantage of the economic times, the APLF was able to stay in budget and complete both the bottom floor and half of the upstairs in the initial phase. With more than double the space of the former building, the library believed that surely, it would take some time before the need for all that space would become apparent. But in true Iowa form, once it was built, patrons came in throngs.
Word spread throughout the city, county, and state making the new library a beacon for avid readers, children’s groups, and at-home educators. New features such as the Roy A. Hicks Childrens Room, where kids can be kids, enticed Mom groups to form, encouraging the expansion of story time, toddler time, and music time. Older children were drawn to the special Teen Reading Area complete with beanbag chairs and games.
The additional meeting rooms, still free of charge for non-profit groups, became booked quickly, and with the help of The Friends of The Library the book and media offerings grew. Now equipped with 7 public access computers and handicap accessibility, the new library quickly became a showcase for the community.
On Friday, September 21st the final phase of the Adel Public Library was officially opened, and the wing dedicated to Cheryl for all her hard work over the past 15 years. But Cheryl knows she didn’t do it alone. “I have to thank all the volunteers throughout the years who made this possible. It was the community of Adel that made our new library possible.”
And now, as the final phase is being completed and the capital campaign comes to a conclusion, the Adel Public Library Foundation will begin to assess and redefine their purpose. Luckily, Cheryl and the Board plan to continue their efforts, seeking out available grants and funding for the library’s continued needs.
To learn how you can donate to the Adel Public Library Foundation, please call 515-993-3512.
Adel Public Library Foundation
Cheryl Semerad, President
303 South 10th Street
Adel, IA 50003
Phone: 515-993-3512