Adel Public Meeting on County Buildings Relocation Oct. 28th

Dallas County Court House - Adel, IowaAdel Partners Chamber of Commerce:

Dallas County officials have scheduled a series of public information meetings to share information about two November 4th ballot propositions.

The final meeting will be held in Adel on Tuesday, October 28 at the ADM High School Board Room (801 Nile Kinnick Dr S) at 7:00 pm.

Proposition A asks if the County shall issue General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $16.3 million for a new Sheriff’s Office-Law Enforcement Center. Current plans call for a 62,000 square foot facility to include the Sherrif’s Administration Function (Civil and Patrol), Jail, Jail Support, First Hearing Room, and Emergency Management Center.

Proposition B asks if the County shall issue General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $11.8 million for a new County Administration Facility. The proposed building would be 51,050 square feet and would house the following offices: Treasurer, Auditor, Recorder, Assessor, Veterans Affairs, Operations, Human Services, and IT GIS.

The public information meeting will provide an opportunity to learn more about the ballot propositions and ask questions.

Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 73, 301 S.
10th Street, 2nd Floor
Adel, IA 50003
Email: chamber@AdelPartners.Org
Facebook: AdelPartnersChamberOfCommerce